

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A School for Boys and Girls

 This is a school assignment. We were to write 2 pages of dialogue based on this picture. Here it is!

Beatrice: Mother Margaretta, William is dancing again.

Margaretta: Oh child, you know that heretic’s soul is not secured in heaven. Tantrum? What shall we do?

Tantrum: Don’t ask me. You know I do not wish to be disturbed while I knit. And heaven knows how many times I have tried to cleanse his rebellious soul.

Margaretta: Shall I pick the rod or the corner?

Tantrum: The cat of nine tails for all I care. That boy needs to be taught a proper lesson.

Margaretta: You know nothing of righteous discipline.

Tantrum: But I do know that unless you give him a cruel punishment, he will only learn to do it again.

Margaretta: No! You must be gentle, kind, or the child will never trust you.

Tantrum: Trust you? Do you think that ruffian buffoon will ever be a devout young man of character?

Margaretta: Dear me, watch your language. You’re worse than he is!

Tantrum: How dare you? I was never like him at that age.

Margaretta: You were banished from grammar school! At exactly his age!

Tantrum: That was a separate matter.

Beatrice: Umm, William is starting to...

Margaretta: A separate matter? You were caught scribbling feather caps on all the holy icons! Twice!

Tantrum: Only once. And I wasn’t banished for that. The Schoolmaster realized Peter had dared me to do so and forced me to attend confession.

Margaretta: Then you threw eggs at the priest!

Tantrum: But I learned from my sins! I matured! And never did them again!

Margaretta: Until after you were banished, when you stole a sweet wafer from the altar before mass.

Tantrum: I was not being fed properly at my school.

Margaretta: Your new school fed you grits for breakfast and water cress for supper, with rye bread and ale.

Tantrum: I had a large appetite.

Margaretta: And I’m sure that extra wafer really did the trick.

Tantrum: Now stop it! The child wants us to discipline William.

Margaretta: You haven’t disciplined in weeks! It’s your turn, Tantrum.

Tantrum: Fine! But I will do it my way!

Margaretta: Not the cat of nine tails!

Tantrum: No. I will give him a nice firm swatting with the rod.

Margaretta: Only thrice! You often forget that you are spanking a mere child. Remember last time?

Tantrum: No, I don’t. May I have the rod, please?

Margaretta: Not before you remember!

Tantrum: All I remember is he couldn’t stand up for weeks. Rod, please?

Margaretta: No! I will not allow you to swat that child!
Tantrum: But you told me to do so.

Margaretta: I have changed my mind.

Beatrice: Sir? William is scribbling on the icons!

Tantrum: ...Quiet. I’m knitting.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Best Films of 2010 (for me)

Ok, these are only MY personal favorite films of 2010. These are ones I liked, and I am very partial to animation, so bear with me. Top 5 Favorite Movies.

5. The Book of Eli - This movie was an excellent portrayel of the importance of the Bible. Though it was very hollywoodized, I think it gave the Bible honor. Denzel Washingtion played very well, and I loved the camera work.

4. Tangled - I can't remember the last Disney movie I left thinking "What a great movie about a princess". Anyway, this definately deserves a watch, and the animation is SPLENDID.

3. How To Train Your Dragon - Vikings vs Dragons does sound like a cheesy movie, but this was suprisingly funny and entertaining.

2. Inception - I saw this for my birthday, and I thought it was incredible. Nolan is truly a filmmaking genius, and I'm curious what he is going to have after The Dark Knight Rises.

1. Toy Story 3 - Pixar has done it again, and this movie was truly one of the best movies they have done. It created a whole new feel that was different from the other Pixar Movies, but still had the Pixar touch.